Is Your Moravian Church Door Shut?

Our Anchorage Moravian Church doors are open on this 1st Sunday of Advent, November 29, 2020! The AncMC has never shut its doors for those that need to worship and find spiritual help and blessing. Today in public worship at 2 pm, we celebrate our first candle lighting of our Moravian Christmas Wreath.
My prayers goes out to those Moravian communities that have shut their doors. A question arises, with churches closed, how can they minister in their communities?”
The Bible is clear that the real church is not a building and while the building is closed, the church is still open. The church is a body of believers; not a building. I like what someone said – “there are plenty of scriptures that point to the importance of worship and growth opportunities provided in the church building, but according to Jesus we are to ‘go and make disciples,’ not stay and make church members.”
As pastors and elders, especially in the villages and cities where churches are shut down, it is still important not to forsake the assembly. I would recommend as long as two or three are gathered together spend time with God, together. Read the Word and pray together!
In many respects COVID-19 has actually forced the church to move outside the comfort of its four walls and do what it was supposed to be doing all along.
The Church is still open which is and should be a hallmark of the United International Moravian Ministry group fellowships and Churches, especially in Alaska.
The AncMC Elders have taken the position to practice all protocols in church stipulated by the City and governmental officials, but they are saying it is still important to “Not Forsake the Assembly” and worship and not fear!”
Since the pandemic started, we plead the blood of Christ upon us at every worship opportunity. Thankfully no one no one has been hurt in any lasting way. And the spiritual blessings in Christ have been far greater!
Posted in United International Moravian Ministry.