Spiritual Warfare? Gossip in the Church

Spiritual Warfare? Many Christians in the Church do not believe in a personal devil who has declared war on Christians. Satan wants to weaken the church. In Ephesians 6 it speaks of active spiritual conflict which we as believers are involved in. The devil is the accuser of the brethren, so we must recognize in the church any gossip and rumor that creates discord has its origin in the heart of the devil. If what you say about others is judgmental or critical, please be warned that God is displeased.

Demons influence people; armies of them are at work to deceive believers. A big weapon that these demons have in the lives of believers is for them to use their tongues to hurt others which creates division and the end result it causes low moral in the Church. Christians, and very gifted ones do run the risk of often unintentionally hurting others by their words. IN THE LIFE OF THE ANCHORAGE MORAVIAN CHURCH, I would like to warn everyone to be more careful. Be cautious when you speak; watch your words and even what you write on facebook about others! Try to weigh its impact. Let’s be known as a bible believing, bible following, and bible practicing church that uplifts Jesus Christ and when we speak that whatever we say or write creates unity, love, and peace among everyone.

We must watch our conduct and recognize that gossip and promoting any discord can literally kill the church, its leaders, and relationships with other believers. If we have anything to say, it must be for the edification of other believers!

If anyone says anything unkind about you recognize its source, forgive them – for so often they do not know what they are doing. The scriptural answer for dealing with people if there are any issues is to in confidence speak with the pastor who can confront the erring person. If the issue demands a bigger step for resolution the pastor and an elder can intervene. Sometimes an issue is so hurtful, it may demand the entire elders board to deal with issues in strict confidence.

The main thing to keep in mind is the redemption of everyone. Issues that are hurtful are dealt with privately for resolution to maintain the peace of the Church family. PLEASE ANCHORAGE MORAVIAN CHURCH FAMILY (just some of you) PLEASE STOP GOSSIPING!!!

SO OFTEN WHAT YOU HAVE HEARD IS NOT TRUE. LET’S PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER AND UPLIFT EACH OTHER AND EXPECT THE BEST OF EACH OTHER. If they are gossiping about you let it be water off a duck; leave it in the Lord’s hands.

God bless you.

Posted in Bishops Blog.