Traditional Moravians and Moravian Revival Churches in Unity

    Sadly much of the Moravian Church, today, is either hot or cold, and even among many, not even lukewarm like it used to be! The enemy has reared his head and does not hide like he used to, but he fails. Our Traditional and Moravian Revival Churches can wake up and be a strong unified force in our villages of Alaska, in America and around the world.
     Even from the highest places true Moravian bible believing, bible teaching, and bible preaching churches that stand on God’s true word are being ostracized and persecuted in different ways. It seems this is happening among Moravian heritage Churches, where the Word of God is preached from the pulpits. But we can be encouraged that God is moving and bring revival among us, so that the pews will be full again.
     In spite of persecution through true Moravian Churches and true believers, God will continue to perform His Will. It is God’s Will for us to gather and work with and worship with those that want healing from disunity. It should be our prayer that we will begin by forgiving others and admitting our own sins. We can pray to be honest and apologize for any words said that were hurtful.
     What will create Unity is admitting our differences, and because of the love of God in our hearts, we can be humble and forgiving. and approach disunity with the Prayer of Jesus in mind. Christ wanted Unity, so should we.
     This also brings us back to the Apostle Paul’s admonition, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.” Your forgiveness of another is only the first step towards reconciliation. To heal the disunity, it must start with you and start with your own sin. In God’s way, both parties are reconciled when they admit sin and grant forgiveness (and restitution, if necessary).
     We know it takes two to forgive, and the other person may not respond. And we recognized as someone has said, “Not all divisions will be healed. But if we approach our disunity with the Prayer of Jesus in mind, we can defeat disunity. If we seek to follow His instructions, if we are humble and forgiving, then we have by far the best likelihood that unity will be achieved”.
     One last thing among the Moravians in Alaska, what will create Unity is spending time together and allowing our church groups to interact together, to celebrate worship, singspirations, and celebrations together. This way our different groups can interact and build bonds. Certainly we may have different beliefs from others and still honor God by valuing love over the various opinions we have.
Posted in Bishops Blog, Bishops Blog.