UIMM & AncMC Position on Upcoming 2024 Elections

Upcoming national elections will probably be the most critical one of our generation and will have impact upon our lives for a long time to come. As Moravian Revival pastors preaching politics from the pulpit will be counter productive. The Anchorage Moravian Church nor United International Moravian Ministry as 501C3 “non-profit religious” organizations do not […]

Moravian Revival Church Offices Going up in La Ceiba

Update  on Construction for another headquarters under United International Moravian Ministry Group (UIMM)and the World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches, today, October 7, 2024. Thanks to those of you giving to UIMM on Friday Nights Singspiration to advance the cause of Christ and to build His Kingdom. Gratitude and a big God bless you, is […]

During Alaska Federation of Natives Evangelistic Meetings

Evangelistic Meetings are NOW scheduled at AncMC on October 18-20, 2024, 6 pm, at 3512 Robin Street. Evangelist/Pastor David Spencer, President of Kentucky Mountain Holiness Association, from Kentucky will be our special speaker. Please invite you family and friends and especially believers that may not be practicing proper Christian behavior. Below you will see a […]

Pastors Training and Evangelistic Meetings

Inspirational United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM) and Anchorage Moravian Church (AncMC) sponsored Evangelistic Pastors training and Sharing the Gospel meetings were held at the Anchorage Moravian Church, September 27-29, 2024. Great training by Bishop William Nicholson and Pastor Glenn Hermann.  During worship there was wonderful singing, superb musicians, and big thank you for many young […]

UIMM AUGUST 2024 Activity Update

A big God bless you! Since June 2024, apology for not getting any information out, but the United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM) group continues to move forward.  Encouragements are there for Unity no matter the battle.  Together, we continue to move forward doing everything to expand and grow God’s Kingdom. Our goal always is to […]

New Moravian Revival Church Bishop Consecrated

Photos shown of new Moravian Revival Church Bishop Consecration ceremony in Sarasota, Florida taken at St. George’s Episcopal Church. Bishop Geraldo Nixon was consecrated as a new Moravian bishop under United International Moravian Ministry group (UIMM) and World Fellowship of World Revival Moravian Churches (WFMRC). Consecration was performed by Bishop Isai Granwell of La Ceiba, […]

Why Testify in Church>

     After Worship last Friday Night Ministry, May 3, 2024, I woke up the next morning thinking about testimonies that have been shared at the Anchorage Moravian Church and Friday Night Ministry. We have heard many positive and Christ glorifying testimonies over the last several years. Thanks for sharing.      Certainly we agree […]

UIMM Bible Training & Singspiration April 12-14, 2024

UNITED INTERNATIONAL MORAVIAN MINISTRY (UIMM) & Anchorage Moravian Church in a jointly sponsored event have scheduled NEXT WEEK, a Pastor’s Christ Centered Training in Old Testament Theology. Also in the evenings there will be Three Nights of Singspiration with Special Speaker, The Rev. Dr. Randall McElwain of Shepherd Global Classroom. Shepherd Global Classroom is a […]

Quinhagak Revival Coming!

UIMM Moravian Revival Church Pastor Frank James of Platinum, Alaska, opens first-ever Revival in Quinhagak, April 4-7, 2024, 6:30 pm, at the Qanirtuuq Incorporated Building which has space for upwards of 200 people. Pastor Frank James is a gifted singer and evangelist and pastor who travels widely throughout Alaska. Everyone welecomed! Reports have been that […]

Just Seven (7) Years!!! See What God Has Done!

     Pastors and other Christian workers are needed, more now than every before! The Church is needed more than ever before, because Christ is coming back! AS A UNITY OF BELIEVERS WORKING TOGETHER IN GOD’S LOVE AND MAINTAINING POSITIVITY AND MOVING FORWARD, TOGETHER, IT IS AMAZING WHAT GOD HAS DONE IN A FEW SHORT […]