Alaska Awakening Book: Now on Sale!

The Book from UAMM Publications, authored by William H. Nicholson, which everyone has been waiting for is NOW for sale at  It was made available – “on stock” late December 15, 2018.  Here’s how to order the book:  Type in “Alaska Moravian Heritage Church Awakening” and once you find the book, you may order it directly from for $19.95.  They will package it and mail it before Christmas free of shipping.

God bless you for purchasing this book that gives glory to Jesus Christ and strengthens the Church.

The following is what the book is about:

ALASKA AWAKENING! Finally the true controversial story of United Alaska Moravian Ministry (UAMM) Group, a sleeping giant waking up and unfurling a white undefiled banner for the entire world to see! As a Moravian heritage Church planting organization coming out of Holy Ghost revival and “signs and wonders”, UAMM is preparing for an end day global “Great Harvest” of souls. Regarding the “Principalities and Powers” and for that matter, any Moravian and or Moravian Heritage leader associated with them through their worldliness, biblical ignorance, rebellion against God, preaching a false Gospel of Accommodation, and/or lack of understanding of true Moravian Covenant protocols may find this book enlightening and bring them back in repentance to their Savior Jesus Christ. This book hopefully will create new questions and answers about the Spiritual Awakening happening among Alaska Native people, yet compel true Christian believers, who have been divided, to agree to come together for true Holy Ghost healing. Because it is a true story, the book will inspire a new younger generation and draw them closer to God.

Posted in United International Moravian Ministry.