Alaska Moravian Heritage Church Awakening

Subtitle: Rise of World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches
A book authored by Bishop Nicholson is soon to be published by UAMM Publications.

The following is a snopsis of the book.

Today in the early 21st Century the Holy Spirit is again moving and a “Great Awakening” with spiritual gifts is happening in ministries and groups around the world. The Alaska Native people have been prophesied to be involved in end-time ministry. Here is one story of ONE awakening of a Moravian Heritage Group that God is using in Alaska. United Alaska Moravian Ministry Group’s story is one of misunderstandings, mistaken identity, persecution, yet one full of joy, glory, and purpose for God’s glory! It’s story is one of preparing the world for the SOON RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST who desires to find a church “without spot or wrinkle”.

Plans are for 1000 books to be published for sale soon. An e-book version may also be sold.

If you are interested in this book, please contact the author at [email protected].