Bishop Commentary on Worship Improvements in Alaska

At the Anchorage Moravian Church SOME LONG WORSHIP SERVICES happens on Sunday night, worship which begins at 6 pm and past and present Elders know should end at 8:30 pm. When people leave they should feel uplifted!

When the Samoan group sang last Sunday night, December 8, 2024, the Spirit of God was moving heavily. Hindsight tells me that this may have been the best time to give the message. People were excited and heard God through song and tunes and eagerly wanted much more.

Anyhow, for our Savior’s sake, I was wondering what we can do to improve our worship/singspirations, so that it benefits the majority of the people who attend, and especially young people! THE problem I see as a Moravian bishop, honestly, some needy PEOPLE WALK OUT WHEN IT IS MESSAGE TIME.

Yes, there is a time and place for long messages, and longer worship services. Especially during revival, which we have seen in past years. And indeed if the speaker is qualified, anointed, and has the ability to keep the listener’s attention.

Personally, I have always been of the opinion when preaching and teaching God’s Word, it is better to leave the people hungering for more so they will come back again.

Following are thoughts for consideration

1. Pastors and Spiritual Leaders should learn to keep in mind the audience, their personal needs, which oftentimes are very serious. God will make this clear, oftentimes, as one truly prays before they stand up to share.

2. When we have a full house like last Sunday’s Overcomers weekend, it is good remind people to shorten their testimonies, so that others can share.

3. Another good challenge is that before someone goes up to share and sing, they should quietly ask God or even ask God before they attend, whether it is truly His Will for them to share. One must also ask themselves, am I doing this in line with God’s Will or am I doing it solely to proudly share my talents and giftings. True humility helps.

4. So too, It is important for the presenters to acknowledge and attempt to become aware of why people come to church, to try to understand the variety of interests, educational levels, and even those who often shown up, who have significant status in society and try to meet their needs and also challenge them to Christ.

5. Worship leaders should abide by the time and assure the message for the evening begins at 7:15 pm, so that we will finish by 8:00 pm or so (or even earlier sometimes) for altar calls and closing song or Benediction.  If folks want to remain to share more and sing until 8:30 that is ok.  People should be uplifted and leave excited, not overly tired. Many must work the next day, early in the morning.

Again, the reason why I am sharing this commentary is to better assure that our attendees hear God’s Word. And that they are able to responding to the message it in some way. THIS IS THE CRITICAL PART OF every worship service, SO THAT PEOPLE WILL HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD. And if we keep to the worship time, MORE people will remain, respond to the scriptural based messages and be blessed in some way.

Posted in Bishops Blog, Bishops Blog, World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches.