Training on Preaching the Gospel Effectively

   Training on Effective Preaching will be held for anyone interested in public speaking. Four to Six keys for Preaching TRAINING WILL BE HELD ON MARCH 21-22, 2025, 10 AM – 3 PM, ON FRIDAY & SATURDAY, at Anchorage Moravian Church, 3512 Robin Street.      The lessons will be effective whether you speak in […]

1st Night of Holy Ghost Revival in Anchorage, Alaska.

LAST NIGHT WAS A GREAT TIME IN THE LORD. At the Anchorage Moravian Church, tonight will be our 2nd gathering with Yvonne St. Getmaine, an award winning singer from Canada, March 1, 2025, 6 pm.  Location is 3512 Robin Street. Speaker is International Evangelist Janet Altice from Florida. 3rd night is March 2, 2025, 6 […]

Upcoming Annual General Church Conference of UIMM

Dear UIMM Bishops, Pastors, Church Delegates and Supporters, Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, A little history first. In February 2018, the World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches (WFMRC) was formed in Kenya, Africa with three representatives from United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM), formerly United Alaska Moravian Ministry. In attendance […]

New Samoan Pastor Ordained under UIMM

New Beginnings Samoan Church of Wasilla, Alaska became a member Church of United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM) group in January 2025.  This is the first ever Samoan Church to join the ranks of end day remnant Moravian Revival Churches.  Members of this Church come from  Samoa and American Samoa   One of thier members, Brother Patali’i […]

UIMM Receives Samoan Church & Consecration

On Sunday moring, February 2, 2025, 11 am, at the Anchorage Moravian Church a new historic event is to happen!  This is the result of a new Church “New Beginning” joining the ranks of true end day Moravian Revival Churches under United International Moravian Ministry group (UIMM).  This was a decision granted by Bishop Isai […]

Bishop Commentary on Worship Improvements in Alaska

At the Anchorage Moravian Church SOME LONG WORSHIP SERVICES happens on Sunday night, worship which begins at 6 pm and past and present Elders know should end at 8:30 pm. When people leave they should feel uplifted! When the Samoan group sang last Sunday night, December 8, 2024, the Spirit of God was moving heavily. […]

Overcomers Weekend Coming!!!

OUR SPECIAL SPEAKER, December 7,8, 2024, 6 pm, nightly, at Anchorage Moravian Church, 3512 Robin Street, Anchorage, Alaska. We thank Pastor Roy Roberts of Goodnews Bay for making this Overcomers Weekend possible!  Brother Roy will be the featured speaker on Friday night, December 6, 2024, 6 pm!  Folks invite those that are struggling, especially those […]

Let’s Fill Up Our Moravian Churches

Praise God that he is still allowing His Spirit of Mercy and Kindness upon America as we continue to support Israel as a nation! Our leaders are far from perfect, so too for us, and circumstances in our nation could have ended with chaos, more darkness, and confusion. We know things are far from perfect […]