Giving to Your Local Church. “Always Take Care of your Church and your Pastors”


Bishop Isai Granwell (shown on left of our Moravian Revival Bishop Gerald Nixon in Sarasota, Florida) mentioned something I felt was very important just before the United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM) General Church Conference on February 27, 2025. He said, after fasting and praying on the Mountain top, “God did not raise the Moravian Revival Ministry for scarcity, but for abundance”.

Certainly, in order to do the Lord’s Work in Alaska, in our nation and around the world, it reguires everyone giving of their tithes and offerings to your local Church. Giving tithes and offerings to your church should be a spiritual practice because of your faith In Jesus Chlrist and your gratitude to Him for transforming your life.

Personally I loved what sister Flora shared last Sunday Night, ‘we should always help when wew can.” She shared in video attached and much more. Thank you Flora for mentioning that the Holy Spirit is encouraging giving. Money is not an evil. It is good to know how to handle money. And money is important to take care of the Church and one must help as much as they can. And even if we are short and still give, God will reward you, she said. Flora also said, “always take care of your church and pastors”!

Historically every Moravian Revival (happening every 300 years) has caused a worldwide ministry which began first in 1457 beginings of the Moravian Church, secondly among Zinzendorf in 1727 and among us, thirdly, in 2012, which now has works in eight nations and growing. It began among Alaska’s Yupik Moravians and in order to strengthen the ongoing revival it requires all of God’s people giving. Truly giving is a way of showing ones appreciation for God’s blessings and enrichments in our individual lives.

As someone else has said, giving is not “Just a Duty, But a Privilege”. And giiving is a privilege, allowing all of us to participate in God’s work. It’s not about giving to the church but about giving to God, honoring Him with your gifts and recognizing Him as the ultimate provider. Giving should be done with a cheerful heart and a spirit of generosity, not as an obligation.

Where to give? If you aren’t able to attend a local church service, you can still give to a church that feeds you spiritually whether it be online or otherwise. If you would like to give to the Anchorage Moravian Church or UIMM, please feel free to go to, where you will find a donation button on bottom of page.

Thank you for helping Jesus win lost souls and helping to disciple others so they too can win souls for Christ. Remember that Jesus encouraged his followers to exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, who practiced tithing. But real generosity isn’t just an outward act but a heart response, motivated by love for God and others.

A good scripture to remember is Hebrews 13:16 – “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God” (Hebrews 13:16)


Note:  Go to facebook, William Nicholson or United Ministry Group & Friends and there you can listen to part of what Sister Flora shared on giving.


Posted in AncMC News, Bishops Blog, Uncategorized, United International Moravian Ministry, World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches.