New Moravian Revival Church Bishop Consecrated

Photos shown of new Moravian Revival Church Bishop Consecration ceremony in Sarasota, Florida taken at St. George’s Episcopal Church. Bishop Geraldo Nixon was consecrated as a new Moravian bishop under United International Moravian Ministry group (UIMM) and World Fellowship of World Revival Moravian Churches (WFMRC). Consecration was performed by Bishop Isai Granwell of La Ceiba, Honduras and Bishop William Nichoson of Anchorage, Alaska.

Bishop Isai Granwell is UIMM International Outreach Director and member of UIMM Board of Directors. Bishop William Nicholson is President/Administrator of UIMM and Co-Chair of the WFMRC.

TRULY A HISTORIC OCCASION of the first ever Moskito Moravian to be consecrated as a bishop in America! Upwards of 8 or so Moravian Pastors and other leaders traveled from Miami, W Palm Beach, Bradenton, and Sarasota (some travelled for up to four hours away by automobile) to attend this special consecration on June 1, 2024, 2:30 pm.

Post consecration, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Geraldo Nixon extends his greetings and thanks to all members and leaders of UIMM and WFMRC.  Brother Nixon is truly a humble and gracious man of God with a wife of tremendous giftings and will go a long ways to work in Unity with other leaders in the Body of Christ.  Agreement was never to divide nor hurt any other Moravian Church and to work to provide a true end day Church that recognizes it is “a living family of God, living out the full counsel of God’s Word and doing it’s utmost to fill the skies with lost souls redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb of God”.  Our Lamb has Conquered; Let Us Follow Him!

Thanksgiving to Father Bryan Beno for allowing us use of the Episcopal Church and his wife, Terry Hansen-Beno for taking these incredibly moving photos. It is our hope that this beautiful St. George’s Episcopal Church will be made available for the Moravian Revival Church in Florida to grow and expand Christ’s Kingdom.

Posted in Bishops Blog, Bishops Blog, Uncategorized, United International Moravian Ministry, World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches.