UIMM Moravian Revival Church Pastor Frank James of Platinum, Alaska, opens first-ever Revival in Quinhagak, April 4-7, 2024, 6:30 pm, at the Qanirtuuq Incorporated Building which has space for upwards of 200 people. Pastor Frank James is a gifted singer and evangelist and pastor who travels widely throughout Alaska. Everyone welecomed!
Reports have been that people have been praying for a long time for revival in Quinhagak. Indeed, we agree there is need for Revival among the Catholic, Orthodox and Moravians in this Alaska Native city of 989 people. The number of people living there is according to a 2021 population report. 70 people are non-Native.
Please pray for a fresh anointing for Pastor Frank James as he shares the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. We pray many will find Christ, recommit to Christ and His Kingdom of Love and Peace.
In Quinhagak, like many other villages in Alaska, there is too much worldliness, depression, unforgiveness, sickness, addictions to alcohol and drugs, young people searching, too many evil influences, and death. God loves this village and we pray that other doors will be opened on the Kuskokwim River for Revival.
Our Lamb Has Conquered; Let Us Follow Him!