Thanksgiving for Friday Night Ministry in Anchorage, Alaska

United Alaska (International) Moravian Ministry thanks you for coming to our weekly Friday Night Ministry in Anchorage, Alaska
This ministry at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, begins each Friday night, 6 pm, and is headed up by The Rev. Bob Monette, Coordinator/Director for UAMM’s Alaska-wide Outreaches.  Each night, a special speaker is arranged for who will uplift Jesus Christ, preach and teach the Word of God, and allow for an altar call for anyone needing salvation, re-dedication, prayer for various needs, and healing of body, soul, and spirit. Musicians and those who would like to share a song and/or testimony are welcome to participate.
UAMM exists to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission. We seek to mobilize every fully devoted disciple of Jesus Christ. Through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, UAMM and all its member Churches are committed to developing a Christ-centered Acts 1:8, family. We are not a denomination; we are pre-denominational 1st Century Discipleship Church – a “Living Church” and family of believers, who uphold each other in the faith, bring comfort where needed, celebrate life together, and combine our resources to accomplish God’s Work.
As a result since November 2012, UAMM now oversees over 20 Churches and Fellowships in Alaska, the US, in Honduras, and through the World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Church we are doing missions in seven countries with over 100 Churches. Today UAMM IN ALASKA is among the most effective missions organizations the world acknowledges. We make it a priority to establish churches, so that those who come to Christ have the support and discipleship of a Church Family.
Funding this work is no small easy task! It takes money and effort and through the generous and sacrificial giving of committed believers everywhere, workers are being sent to fulfill this calling of Jesus in all the earth. Consider joining us in our desire to do God’s Will and obey His Command in Acts 1:8.

Books on our story – Alaska Awakening are available at Vine & Branches Christian Bookstore in Anchorage, Alaska.


Posted in United International Moravian Ministry.