Training on Preaching the Gospel Effectively

   Training on Effective Preaching will be held for anyone interested in public speaking. Four to Six keys for Preaching TRAINING WILL BE HELD ON MARCH 21-22, 2025, 10 AM – 3 PM, ON FRIDAY & SATURDAY, at Anchorage Moravian Church, 3512 Robin Street.
     The lessons will be effective whether you speak in a classroom, the business world, and anywhere else public communication takes place, but the main emphasis is to help our Moravian Revival Pastors (anyone really) to become better communicators of the Gospel Message. We want to attract people rather than chase them away by proper speaking
     Preaching, non-verbal communication skills, and understanding or knowing your audience, delivering the message and crafting the message will be emphasized. THIS TRAINING IS ESPECIALLY FOR MORAVIAN REVIVAL PASTORS OR ANYONE INTERESTED IN SERVING CHRIST THROUGH PUBLIC SPEAKING.
     Together, MAY we continue to move the world through Christ and preaching and living out His Holy Word. Great communicators have often changed the course of history with their public speaking.
     We know that God is a great Communicator. Psalm 19:1,2 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.” So we should learn to be more effective in our preaching and teaching.
     INSTRUCTOR IS The Rt. Rev. Dr. William H. Nicholson, Senior Pastor of the Anchorage Moravian Church, President/Administrator of United International Moravian Ministry group, and Co-Chair of the World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches will be instructor. Brother Nicholson received his College degree from George Fox College in 1973, a Masters of Divinity degree from Moravian Theological Seminary in 1977, and his Doctor of Theology from Board of Regents of International Miracle Institute in 2017.
Any questions, call (907) 240-8102.
    Hope to see you.
Posted in AncMC Worship & Events, Bishops Blog, Bishops Blog, Uncategorized, United International Moravian Ministry, World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches.