Dear UIMM Bishops, Pastors, Church Delegates and Supporters,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
A little history first. In February 2018, the World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches (WFMRC) was formed in Kenya, Africa with three representatives from United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM), formerly United Alaska Moravian Ministry. In attendance were four Moravian Revival bishops from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and America with a Superintendent of Allied Missions in the Philippines and Cambodia,. With co-leadership provided by Bishop Emmaus Mwamakula of Tanzania and Bishop William Nicholson of UIMM led to the creation of a new global organizational movement. Functionally this was the culmination of an “undefiled and evangelical ‘win the lost’ movement”, which would provide a spiritual covering and spiritual organization. And also that the WFMRC would not duplicate the Moravian World-wide Unity, which is administratively heavy, costly, and really has done little to expanding the Kingdom and maintenance of uncorruption from worldly influences.
Bishop Mwamakula emphasized that a major move of God in the Moravian Church happens once every 300 years! The first under John Hus, the 2nd under Count Nicholas Von Zinzendorf, and now a third move of God through WFMRC in the 21st Century. Bishop Nicholson stresses that we are not building a denomination; instead like Zinzendorf, our goal is to be a Living Church, and doing our best to expand the Kingdom of God by winning lost souls before Christ returns in the clouds with glory.
Indeed the growth of UIMM and the fact this international organization exists in spite of unrelenting opposition from without and within is truly an act of God. It is incredible we remain because of God’s Spirit and our unity. So our aim in prayer is that, together, we all continue to be active and growing our individual ministries AS A TEAM EFFORT, working in Unity in intimate relationship with Christ touching many cultures and languages.
This message is to inform you that the 14th Annual General Church Conference of UIMM Group is scheduled for February 27, 2025, 1 pm, at 3512 Robin St, Anchorage, Ak 99504. This Annual meeting should help all of us better move forward “furthering our Movement” in the grace and Will of God.
Each of our member ministry churches & Fellowships usually have one pastor (spiritual leader) and one delegate per 50 church members, who can participate in policy making, programing and voting, etc. An annual administrative report of outreaches, building and supportive programs, requests from different churches (and countries) and needs may be outlined. Certainly the UIMM yearly financial report will be given. Continued and new Outreach programs for Alaska, our nation, and the world may be discussed.
You are all invited to participate! If you are a supporter, we would love to have you attend. Your voice should be heard to help advance the cause of Christ and His Kingdom.
Our Lamb has Conquered; Let us Follow Him!
Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me, anytime.
Brother William Nicholson
PS: It would be good to have a bishop, pastor and/or a delegate from the Alaska Moravian Province to attend our annual meeting. You are welcomed!