Is Your Moravian Church Door Shut?

Our Anchorage Moravian Church doors are open on this 1st Sunday of Advent, November 29, 2020! The AncMC has never shut its doors for those that need to worship and find spiritual help and blessing. Today in public worship at 2 pm, we celebrate our first candle lighting of our Moravian Christmas Wreath. My prayers […]

Mission Trip to Far North Missionary Fellowship

Mr. Dean Carl of New Herrnhut Bible Holiness Training Institute of Seward, Alaska and I traveled by vehicle to Northpole, Alaska September 26-28, 2020. At the Far North Missionary Fellowship Chapel, which is a beautiful Wesleyan heritage Church, we were welcomed by an outstanding host and pastor and his wife, Rev. Randy & Jane Huff. […]

New Fire Revival with UAMM


Want a big blessing? Learn to tithe to your Church? A big opportunity is giving to United International Moravian Ministry group (UIMM). UIMM’s vision is “Equipping, Empowering & Sending”. It’s discipling new and younger believers, and anyone, God is calling to go to the ends of the earth. UIMM has many financial needs to do […]

Christ Runs Our Church

BISHOP WILLIAM NICHOLSON COMMENTARY TODAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2020: WHO RUNS THE CHURCH? Jesus does in our Church. Christ said “I will build my Church”. My understanding of how the Anchorage Moravian Church services are conducted (and should be for all of our UIMM Churches and Fellowships) is that we are not a personality driven church. […]

Prophetic Thoughts

Bishop William Nicholson thoughts from this morning February 24, 2020.  I had three calls, one from a prophet, one from a pastor, and the other from a Spirit-filled sister, all of whom said “God told them to share with me”. I will summarize from MY own hearts interpretation, what I received for our mutual benefit […]

UIMM Friday Night Ministry Location Change

UIMM (Formerly UAMM) Friday Night Ministry beginning tonight February 7, 2020, 6pm, WHICH USED TO BE HELD AT ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, will NOW be held at 3512 Robin Street in the Muldoon area. This is the Anchorage Moravian Churches’ Red Church building.  See photo of church at left. EVERYONE CORDIALLY WELCOMED! Note: Friday Night […]