GROUND BREAKING & SITE BLESSING CEREMONIES FOR NEW HERRNHUT HOLINESS BIBLE TRAINING INSTITUTE, a training school partnering with United Alaska Moravian Ministry Group (UAMM) is scheduled for Monday, June 10, 2019, 1:30 pm, Seward, Alaska. ADDRESS IS 11848 Seward Highway. Bishop William Nicholson, President and Administrator of UAMM will be giving remarks and prayers. Encouragements […]
UAMM Office Remains Open During Administrator’s Leave
Though I am gone on Commercial Fishing Leave from Anchorage, Alaska beginning May 24, 2019, United Alaska Moravian Ministry (UAMM) office remains open, wherever I travel to. This is through end of August 2019. Rev. Fred Nielsen will be in Dillingham soon, also, to assure that UAMM finances remain in order. Pastors, needy UAMM friends […]
Angoon Missionary Outreach and Messages by Rev. Fred Nielsen & Bishop William Nicholson
On May 8, 2019, Bishop William Nicholson and Elder Pastor (and UAMM Director), The Rev. Fred Nielsen traveled from Anchorage, to Juneau, Alaska and by Alaska Marine Highway traveled to Angoon, Alaska. Arriving after a seven hour scenic journey on a Ferry boat and traveling the waters it was a journey orchestrated by God in […]
Rev. Isai Granwell to Speak, today, April 28, 2019
REV. ISAI GRANWELL FROM LACEIBA, HONDURAS WILL BE SPEAKING TODAY, APRIL 28, 2019, 2 PM. THIS WILL BE AT THE ANCHORAGE MORAVIAN CHURCH LOCATED AT 624 W International Airport Road, Anchorage, Alaska. Folks let’s show him our support. He is UAMM’s leader in this central American country. Potluck at AncMC Holiness Conference, today, 5 pm, […]
3rd and Final Night Holiness Concert with Rev & Mrs. Lane Loman
The AncMC & United Alaska Moravian Ministry Group invites you to a 3rd and final night of Singspiration and Concert, Sunday, April 28, 2019, at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church (SMEC). SMEC is located at 2222 E Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska (corner of Lake Otis & Tudor). Great singing and sharing folks. A potluck is featured, […]
UAMM Sponsored Holiness Conference, April 26 & 27, 2019.
UAMM Training event with Lane Loman for UAMM Pastors, Elders and Youth began April 26, 10 am, at 624 W International Airport Road. Twenty spiritual leaders attended this all day conference on Christian Lifestyle/Christian Holiness. Report soon to follow.
AncMC Easter Celebration
CHRIST IS RISEN! CHRIST IS RISEN INDEED! Folks it was a wonderful Sunrise service at Anchorage Memorial Park Cemetery this morning at 6:10 AM. WE CONTINUE TO CELEBRATE EASTER WITH A LOVEFEAST SERVICE AND POTLUCK, TODAY, April 21, 2019, 2 pm, at 624 West International Airport Road. EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED!!!
Holiness Summit and Concert with Lane Loman in Anchorage, Alaska
Greetings UAMM Pastors, Elders, Youth leaders, Christian workers and leaders from Holiness Churches throughout Alaska and the Anchorage area: United Alaska Moravian Ministry (UAMM) Executive Committee will meet with Rev. Isai Granwell from Honduras on April 25, 2019, at 624 W. International Airport Road. Please be praying for how we can further nurture churches […]
Palm Sunday Message – Fear of God Lost? IF SO WE CAN LEARN FEAR
Do we fear God? I would like to thank Pastor Fred Nielsen for asking the question. It feels like this question should be one we must ask for ourselves. Do we fear God? I appears to be a problem in many Churches today; People don’t fear God. If they truly feared God, their lives would […]
AncMC Holy Week & Easter Schedule
Upcoming EASTER SCHEDULE at the Anchorage Moravian Church: Palm Sunday, April 14, 2019, 2 pm – Regular Worship Service Passion Week, April 15-19, 2019, 6 pm – Holy Week Readings and Maundy Thursday Holy Communion, all to be held at 624 W International Airport Rd, upstairs in the Chapel area. (There will be […]