2023 AncMC Easter Schedule

EASTER SEASON SCHEDULE, 3512 Robin Street, Anchorage, Alaska:: Palm Sunday worship, April 2, 2023, 11 am Sunday Evening Singspiration, April 2, 2022, 6 pm Passion Week Readings, Monday through Friday, April 3-7, 2023, 6 pm Maundy Thursday Holy Communion Service, April 6, 2023, 6 pm EASTER SUNRISE service, April 9, 2023, 7 am, 535 E […]


Bishop William Nicholson long Message, March 26, 2023, 6 pm worship. (Shown below is Moravian Revival in Woodcutting, 1727, given to Bishop Nicholson, by Bishop-elect The Rev. Dr. Doug Norwood Jr, just before his death)        The message tonight will probably be the most important message I will give in many years. It […]

Smartphone App Used by Moravians

MOST PEOPLE USE SMARTPHONES NOWADAYS. AncMC  has a new smartphone app used for updated Moravian Revival Church information, church events, giving, bible reading, prayer requests, ministry outreach, as well as livestreaming worship services, etc. Please download “My Church by Pushpay” (connect anytime, anywhere) on your smartphone and then type in “livingfam”, which stands for Living […]

Easter & Passion Week

ANCMC EASTER SEASON WORSHIP schedule: Palm Sunday Observance, April 2, 2023, 11 am Monday Passion Week Reading, April 3, 6 pm Tuesday Passion Week Reading, April 4, 6 pm Wednesday Passion Week Reading, April 5, 6 pm Thursday “Maunday Thursday” Holy Communion, April 6, 6 pm Friday Passion Week Reading, April 7, 6 pm EASTER SUNDAY […]

A Little Bit About UIMM’S Lion & Lamb Logo

Jesus is called the Lion of Judah who has triumphed. Jesus has triumphed over temptation and sin, over pain and suffering, over fear, over death and even over the Devil himself. Jesus is the Lion who retreats before nothing! The last book of the Bible, called Revelation, tells about the end of history and the […]


United International Moravian Ministry group (UIMM) and its leaders, The Rt. Rev. Dr. William Nicholson, President and Administrator of UIMM, The Rev. Robert Monette, UIMM’s National Outreach Director, and The Rt. Rev. Isai Granwell, UIMM’s International Outreach Director have a free and LEGAL right to exist in America and positively impact the world! UIMM for […]

Moravian Revival Churches Now Organized in Cuba

Great week! Praise God for outstanding and successful trip to Communist Cuba to assist in organization of UIMM’s newest Moravian Revival Churches. Shown are the new leaders in Cuba. This formally adds 5 more Moravian Revival churches, who now belong to United International Moravian Ministry group (UIMM) under the World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches. […]