Anchorage Moravian Church Smartphone App

Most of us agree that we are living in the end days.  Someone said some powerfully and I agree – “The Lord is hastening His work, and it is no coincidence that powerful communication innovations and the inventions are occurring in the dispensation of the fulness of times”.

Today technology such as the Smartphone has helped Christ’s Church to be:

  • Be better informed
  • Support our study of the scriptures
  • Better serve in our callings, including ministering to others
  • Deliver effective online sermons, especially on our
    Church Facebook site -Anchorage Moravian Church and/or United Ministry Group & Friends

Most people use smart nowadays. A big one for us is that he Anchorage Moravian Church has a smartphone app used for updated church activities. Please feel free to download “My Church by Pushpay” (connect anytime, anywhere) on your smartphone and then type in “livingfam”, which stands for Living family of God. Enjoy!

Posted in AncMC News, Bishops Blog, Uncategorized.