ANCHORAGE MORAVIAN CHURCH AND UNITED INTERNATIONAL MORAVIAN MINISTRY group remaining Holy Week and Easter 2020 Facebook “Live Stream” Schedule at United Ministry Group & Friends site as follows: – April 9, 2020, 6 pm, Maundy Thursday HOLY COMMUNION service with Bishop William Nicholson and Pastor Ron Moo – April 10, 2 pm, Good Friday Conclusion […]
Author Archives: William Nicholson
Reflections & Moravian Passion Week Readings Continue
Note: A reminder for our viewers that the Anchorage Moravian Church continues to conduct its Passion Week readings every night, April 6-10, 2020, at “United Ministry Group & Friends” Facebook site live. After the Live Stream broadcast, the video can be located at “William Nicholson” Facebook site. It’s been going well! The Bible says, So […]
AncMC 2020 Palm Sunday, Passion Week, & Easter Schedule
The Palm Sunday, Passion Week, and Easter celebration is scheduled as follows, all “livestream” on Facebook site at United Ministry Group & Friends address: April 5, 2020 – Palm Sunday, 2 pm worship with Bishop William & Barbara Nicholson at their home in Eagle River, Alaska. April 5, Palm Sunday Night brief worship, […]
Prayers for World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Church Leaders & People
As one of the nine Bishops of the World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches (WFMRC) around the world (in seven countries) and as Co-Chair of the WFMRC, I would simply like to let the leaders and congregations of the WFMRC’s know that I am interceding on your behalf. As we humble ourselves before God, God […]
During CORONAVIRUS Shutdown AncMC Worship service, March 22, 2020, 6 pm
Click on this During Shutdown AncMC Worship service page, below, where it says “Posted in AncMC News & Events” and you will see the livestream facebook video which was recorded on Facebook site “United Ministry Group & Friends. God bless you for watching. -Bishop William Nicholson
AncMC Doors Shut But Will Lifestream Worship on Sundays
ANCHORAGE MORAVIAN CHURCH (AncMC) WORSHIP SERVICES on Sunday March 22, 2020, 2 pm and 6 pm will be shown live on Facebook, at “United Ministry Group & Friends” SITE. Public cordially welcomed to be encouraged with God’s love, hope, and peace during these difficult times. Bishop William Nicholson, Senior Pastor of the AncMC will present […]
UPDATE CONCERNING COMMITMENTS to the Anchorage Moravian Church (AncMC) or any United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM) Church. Comments provided by Bishop William Nicholson, Senior Pastor of the AncMC, President of UIMM, and Chair of the World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches in the Northern Hemisphere: As a result of an AncMC Joint Board meeting on […]
IN AGREEMENT WITH EVANGELIST JOHN DUKE. “Every village in Alaska will be shaken by the Power of God”. VERY SPECIAL WORSHIP SERVICES. EVERYONE CORDIALLY WELCOMED AND ESPECIALLY YOUNG PEOPLE. Evangelist John & Anna Duke will be with us as special speakers at the Anchorage Moravian Church on March 6-8, 2020. March 6, 6 pm, […]
Christ Runs Our Church
BISHOP WILLIAM NICHOLSON COMMENTARY TODAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2020: WHO RUNS THE CHURCH? Jesus does in our Church. Christ said “I will build my Church”. My understanding of how the Anchorage Moravian Church services are conducted (and should be for all of our UIMM Churches and Fellowships) is that we are not a personality driven church. […]
Prophetic Thoughts
Bishop William Nicholson thoughts from this morning February 24, 2020. I had three calls, one from a prophet, one from a pastor, and the other from a Spirit-filled sister, all of whom said “God told them to share with me”. I will summarize from MY own hearts interpretation, what I received for our mutual benefit […]