United International Moravian Ministry Group is a legal Moravian heritage Church founded in Herrnhut, Germany in 2012 and incorporated in the State of Alaska.  It is also a non-profit 501C3 religious organization with the US Federal Government.  Our constitution reads as follows: Chapter Two, Section I Constitution Name and Title ¶2.1.0100 The name and title […]

Easter & Passion Week

ANCMC EASTER SEASON WORSHIP schedule: Palm Sunday Observance, April 2, 2023, 11 am Monday Passion Week Reading, April 3, 6 pm Tuesday Passion Week Reading, April 4, 6 pm Wednesday Passion Week Reading, April 5, 6 pm Thursday “Maunday Thursday” Holy Communion, April 6, 6 pm Friday Passion Week Reading, April 7, 6 pm EASTER SUNDAY […]


COMMITMENT TO YOUR LOCAL CHURCH AND NOT LISTENING TO GOSSIP, RUMOR AND/OR LIES   Commentary by Bishop William Nicholson, Senior Pastor, Anchorage Moravian Church President & Administrator, United International Moravian Ministry Group Co-Chair & Administrator, World Fellowship Moravian Revival Churches Many Moravian Church seats remain empty because of gossip, rumor and lies.  If one leaves their local […]

Encouragements from Staff of AncMC

The AncMC Live Streams worship services on Facebook site “Anchorage Moravian Church” and also “United Ministry Group & Friends, 11 am & 6 pm on Sunday.  We worship at 3512 Robin Street (weekly).  The public is invited to attend. AncMC is a member church of United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM) group (180+ churches and fellowships), […]

Moravian Revival Church Unity

The Anchorage Moravian Church with sponsorship of the United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM) group finished a four night series of worship with special speakers and exciting Singspirations October 20-23, 2022. The theme for that weekend was “Opening our Eyes” and “Working Together in Unity” in light of the end days! Working together in Unity necessitates […]

Anchorage Moravian Church and United International Moravian Ministry


“OPENING UP EYES” AND “Working Together in Unity”.  During AFN weekend, the Anchorage Moravian Church and United International Moravian Ministry has planned special Moravian Revival worship Singspiration services and Training opportunities for Spiritual leaders. These events are to be held at 3512 Robin Street from October 20-23, 2022. Theme is “End Days Working Together in Unity”. […]


The AncMC Live Streams worship services on Facebook site “Anchorage Moravian Church” and also “United Ministry Group & Friends, 11 am & 6 pm on Sunday.  We worship at 3512 Robin Street (weekly).  The public is invited to attend. AncMC is a member church of United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM) group (180+ churches and fellowships), […]

Unity Without Compromise

HOPEFULLY WE WILL GET THE ANCHORAGE MORAVIAN CHURCH ENTRY WAY DONE IN TIME FOR THE ALASKA FEDERATION OF NATIVES CONVENTION IN ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THAT BEGINS ON OCTOBER 20, 2022. A lot of Native people from throughout Alaska will visit Alaska’s largest city celebrating their Unity. We hope to have special worship services at 3512 Robin […]

Happy Resurrection Day!

Happy Resurrection Day everyone!  The AncMC celebrated a very early Easter Sunrise service at the Anchorage Memorial Park Cemetery.  The sunrise was was at 6:30 am, so the actual service began at 6:15 am on Sunday, April 17, 2022.  Judging by the attendance, possibly we need to think of when the sun rises at the […]