Rev. Isai Granwell to Speak, today, April 28, 2019

REV. ISAI GRANWELL FROM LACEIBA, HONDURAS WILL BE SPEAKING TODAY, APRIL 28, 2019, 2 PM.  THIS WILL BE AT THE ANCHORAGE MORAVIAN CHURCH LOCATED AT 624 W International Airport Road, Anchorage, Alaska. Folks let’s show him our support. He is UAMM’s leader in this central American country. Potluck at AncMC Holiness Conference, today, 5 pm, […]

Holiness Summit and Concert with Lane Loman in Anchorage, Alaska

Greetings UAMM Pastors, Elders, Youth leaders, Christian workers and leaders from Holiness Churches throughout Alaska and the Anchorage area:   United Alaska Moravian Ministry (UAMM) Executive Committee will meet with Rev. Isai Granwell from Honduras on April 25, 2019, at 624 W. International Airport Road. Please be praying for how we can further nurture churches […]

Wonderful Brotherly Creed in Moravian Heritage Churches

I recently found this following incredible statement in my computer. I’m not certain but it may be attributed to John Wesley or Count Zinzendorf himself after Hernnhut’s Pentecost experience in 1722. The following quote is what we follow and I pray, today March 25, 2019, that all members of United Moravian Ministry Group’s clergy and […]


Kenai Peninsula Moravian Church (KPMC) was a member Church of United Alaska Moravian Ministry group (UAMM), which started in 2014. KPMC has not been meeting regularly since summer 2017. In fact KPMC received Certificate of Involuntary Dissolution/Revocation (lost recognition) with the State of Alaska on March 9, 2018. On March 19, 2019 UAMM’s Executive Committee […]

Fulfilling the Great Commission

Reaching the World for Christ! There are several ways to do this effectively and United Alaska Moravian Ministry (UAMM) group is trying to do more. UAMM’s pastors will be meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, today, February 6, 2019, 1 pm, to discuss how we can do more. The following are proven methodologies:   1. The Public […]

UAMM Synod 2019 Report

Results of United Alaska Moravian Ministry (UAMM) synod at Anchorage, Alaska on January 17. 2019 was Spirit filled and full of faith and hope and joy! UAMM as an organization is blessed with God’s favor and during 2018 has prepared itself based upon the foundation of God’s holy Word. And it continues to reach out […]

Alaska Awakening Book: Now on Sale!

The Book from UAMM Publications, authored by William H. Nicholson, which everyone has been waiting for is NOW for sale at  It was made available – “on stock” late December 15, 2018.  Here’s how to order the book:  Type in “Alaska Moravian Heritage Church Awakening” and once you find the book, you may order […]