In Anchorage, Alaska, on April 16-18, 2021 weekend, a diverse Spiritual gathering of Moravian Pastors, Elders, Young leaders, Seminary Builders, two Bishops, one Bishop-elect, and other Christian leadership happened for two days. This was two days of Pastor’s Training and three nights of Singspiration, Testimony, and worship! The event sponsored by United International Moravian Ministry […]
Category Archives: AncMC News
Anchorage Moravian Church is the home church for United Alaska Moravian Ministry Group.
March 2021 Spiritual Warfare Conference Set
SPIRITUAL WARFARE CONFERENCE IS SET FOR MARCH 26-28, 2021. UIMM Pastors & Elders Training on March 26-27, 10 am – 3 pm, at 624 W International Airport Rd, Suite 200. Singspiration nightly at 3512 Robin Street, 6 pm – 8:30 pm, 3512 Robin Street. If a larger sanctuary for the evening Singspirations is available, we […]
Follow Jesus! Let our young people listen to this. They will respond in a good way because He is raising them up NOW!
Anchorage Moravian & United International Autumn Schedule 2020
The Anchorage Moravian Elders met last Sunday, September 6th, 2020. With the Municipality of Anchorage’s new end of August/September guidelines for 50% capacity and safety protocols, the Church Elders are encouraging the Church membership to come back to church and “not forsake the assembly”. THE FOLLOWING CHURCH SCHEDULE AND PROGRAM HAS BEEN APPROVED to be […]
Moravian Church Schedule for Summer 2020
WE ARE RETURNING BACK, SOON, TO OUR HOME 150 SEAT CHURCH FOLKS!!! Revival will begin there again. ANCHORAGE MORAVIAN CHURCH (AncMC) AND UNITED INTERNATIONAL MORAVIAN MINISTRY (UIMM) Worship Service Schedule and Location: May 31, 2020, 2 pm, AncMC REGULAR WORSHIP at 624 W International Airport Road, Suite 200 upstairs. Officiant is Pastor Ron Moo. May […]
Status of AncMC Worship
Since mid March 2020 the Anchorage Moravian Church (AncMC) congregation has not held public worship services. However since Palm Sunday and Easter and following Sundays to date, May 8, we continue to “Live Stream” on Facebook site – United Ministry Group & Friends. If you would like to join us, the AncMC virtual worship services […]
2020 Remaining Schedule of Holy Week
ANCHORAGE MORAVIAN CHURCH AND UNITED INTERNATIONAL MORAVIAN MINISTRY group remaining Holy Week and Easter 2020 Facebook “Live Stream” Schedule at United Ministry Group & Friends site as follows: – April 9, 2020, 6 pm, Maundy Thursday HOLY COMMUNION service with Bishop William Nicholson and Pastor Ron Moo – April 10, 2 pm, Good Friday Conclusion […]
Reflections & Moravian Passion Week Readings Continue
Note: A reminder for our viewers that the Anchorage Moravian Church continues to conduct its Passion Week readings every night, April 6-10, 2020, at “United Ministry Group & Friends” Facebook site live. After the Live Stream broadcast, the video can be located at “William Nicholson” Facebook site. It’s been going well! The Bible says, So […]
AncMC 2020 Palm Sunday, Passion Week, & Easter Schedule
The Palm Sunday, Passion Week, and Easter celebration is scheduled as follows, all “livestream” on Facebook site at United Ministry Group & Friends address: April 5, 2020 – Palm Sunday, 2 pm worship with Bishop William & Barbara Nicholson at their home in Eagle River, Alaska. April 5, Palm Sunday Night brief worship, […]
During CORONAVIRUS Shutdown AncMC Worship service, March 22, 2020, 6 pm
Click on this During Shutdown AncMC Worship service page, below, where it says “Posted in AncMC News & Events” and you will see the livestream facebook video which was recorded on Facebook site “United Ministry Group & Friends. God bless you for watching. -Bishop William Nicholson