UNITED INTERNATIONAL MORAVIAN MINISTRY (UIMM) & Anchorage Moravian Church in a jointly sponsored event have scheduled NEXT WEEK, a Pastor’s Christ Centered Training in Old Testament Theology. Also in the evenings there will be Three Nights of Singspiration with Special Speaker, The Rev. Dr. Randall McElwain of Shepherd Global Classroom. Shepherd Global Classroom is a […]
Category Archives: Bishops Blog
This is a blog which can be used by UAMM and WFMRC bishops to provide commentary to encourage the saints and strengthen the Moravian Heritage Revival Churches.
April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse A Sign From God?
April 8, 2024 Eclipse is on my mind. The following I will share it with you all for prayer purposes. As we heard from Pastor Bob Curtis last Friday night, March 22, 2024, 1 Peter 4:7 – “the end of all things is near, so be serious and watchful”. So many […]
UIMM Donates Walking Tractor to Uganda
PRAISE GOD! United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM) group in the Precious Name of Jesus Christ as a result of two nights of successful Moravian Revival services led by Billy Olsen on March 15-16, 2024, was able to send $500 to our Bishop Odongo in Uganda, Africa for a new Walking Tractor. Money was sent to […]
Quinhagak Revival Coming!
UIMM Moravian Revival Church Pastor Frank James of Platinum, Alaska, opens first-ever Revival in Quinhagak, April 4-7, 2024, 6:30 pm, at the Qanirtuuq Incorporated Building which has space for upwards of 200 people. Pastor Frank James is a gifted singer and evangelist and pastor who travels widely throughout Alaska. Everyone welecomed! Reports have been that […]
Project to Feed Hungry People
Are you interested in helping to build the Kingdom of God? Desperately needed for our United International Moravian Churches (UIMM) in Uganda, Africa is an important life-saving tool to help the Church Leaders and people grow their own food. What will help immensely is funding for a small “Walking Tractor” that will produce a mountain […]
YouTube Videos on Christian Apologetics with Pastor Glenn Hermann
UIMM Pastors, especially, and everyone, please note that on this UIMM website, we have two Social Media Buttons. One is for Facebook and the other is for YouTube. The YouTube button is a colored red button on bottom of this HOMEPAGE. This brief message is to notify everyone that the author of Celestial Traveler, Pastor […]
Worthy is the Lamb
We are in the season of Lent 2024. It’s always a good time of contemplation of what Christ has done for us all. One of the comments in the early 18th century that blessed me was of the first and early Moravian missionaries leaving Herrnhut, Germany to the world. They departed home to reward the […]
Author of Celestial Traveler Speaks in Florida
Pastor Glenn Hermann, who is a great supporter of the Anchorage Moravian Church and UIMM in Alaska, spoke February 18, 2024, 7 pm, at Light of Life Rayak Ingnika Church located at 1503 57th Ave West Bradenton, FL 34207. Thanksgiving goes out to Pastor Elizabeth Balanos and her husband of Light of Life Rayak Ingnika […]
SCHEDULE AT ANCHORAGE MORAVIAN CHURCH FOR WORSHIP, TRAINING OF PASTORS AND ANNUAL UIMM SYNOD: February 4, 2024 – Morning Worship, 11 am; evening Singspiration 6 pm with Pastor Russell Lamont speaking. ( Each Sunday two worships services are aways held). February 7, 2024, Midweek Bible Study & Prayer with Bishop Nicholson, 6 pm. […]
Anchorage Moravian Church Smartphone App
Most of us agree that we are living in the end days. Someone said some powerfully and I agree – “The Lord is hastening His work, and it is no coincidence that powerful communication innovations and the inventions are occurring in the dispensation of the fulness of times”. Today technology such as the Smartphone has helped […]