Project to Feed Hungry People

Are you interested in helping to build the Kingdom of God?  Desperately needed for our United International Moravian Churches (UIMM) in Uganda, Africa is an important life-saving tool to help the Church Leaders and people grow their own food.  What will help immensely is funding for a  small “Walking Tractor” that will produce a mountain of needed food.

According to Bishop Odongo Mario Arabous, a Moravian Revival Church bishop in Uganda, he says, ” As we enter the first week of March 2024, it is the first rainy season and the planting season for different crops in North Uganda. Gardens are being prepared for plantings”.   It is his earnest prayer and humble request for UIMM donors to consider giving for a “Walking Tractor.

Matthew 14:16 shares Christ concern for those that need him and are physically hungry.  He says, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”  The end result of human generosity and faith is part of the miracle: Jesus takes what’s offered to satisfy the needs of the hungry and multiplies it. God’s intent is for hungry people to be fed, and he calls his people to participate in providing the food. 

Historically Moravians are always interested in providing for the whole man, whether it be the gospel, education, medicine, or food.  Proverbs 19:17 says, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed”  Proverbs 22:9 says, “The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.”

If you are interested in giving, please feel free to give here on this homepage UIMM donation button or make your checks payable to United International Moravian Ministry with memo “Walking Tractor”.

Other needs one can give for include the following:  The Community Care School (Orphanage) in Bukeddea, Teso Subregion, is in urgent need as well as support for doing revival in other villages of Uganda.  God is strongly moving there and needs are urgent.

Again, the Lango Subregion, in Uganda, urgently needs at least one hand “Walking Tractor”, since rains for the first crop growing season has begun.  Cost for one new Walking Tractor is  $1, 583 US dollars or 6,200,00 Ugandan shillings.

God bless you for helping with this great need.

Posted in Bishops Blog, United International Moravian Ministry, World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches.