Photos shown of new Moravian Revival Church Bishop Consecration ceremony in Sarasota, Florida taken at St. George’s Episcopal Church. Bishop Geraldo Nixon was consecrated as a new Moravian bishop under United International Moravian Ministry group (UIMM) and World Fellowship of World Revival Moravian Churches (WFMRC). Consecration was performed by Bishop Isai Granwell of La Ceiba, […]
Category Archives: Honduras
Why Testify in Church>
After Worship last Friday Night Ministry, May 3, 2024, I woke up the next morning thinking about testimonies that have been shared at the Anchorage Moravian Church and Friday Night Ministry. We have heard many positive and Christ glorifying testimonies over the last several years. Thanks for sharing. Certainly we agree […]
DON’T GO TO CHURCH? I was thinking about recommending to the AncMC Elders and UIMM Board about maybe shutting down our online broadcasts. These broadcasts can be done on another day of the week. REASON PEOPLE ARE USING IT AS AN EXCUSE NOT TO GO TO CHURCH! The bible says “NOT TO FORSAKE THE ASSEMBLY”. […]
Bring the Sick and Infirm to the Anchorage Moravian Church
NEED HEALING? Bring the sick and infirm – A BIG FIVE NIGHTS OF REVIVAL COMING!!! Healing Revival/Singspiration for five nights with The Rt. Rev. Isai Granwell from Honduras IS PLANNED BY GOD! Our special speaker, operates in the Spiritual gifts. Bishop Isai Granwell is United International Moravian Ministry group International Outreach Director and President of […]
Since transporatation from the bush is too expensive, encouragements are given for UIMM Pastors and other Spiritual Leaders to gather together IN YOUR TOWNS AND VILLAGES. This way YOU pastors can view the Upcoming training (see below) by Dr. McElwain, which will be broadcast on Facebook site, United Ministry Group & Friends. Encouragements are there […]
Just Seven (7) Years!!! See What God Has Done!
Pastors and other Christian workers are needed, more now than every before! The Church is needed more than ever before, because Christ is coming back! AS A UNITY OF BELIEVERS WORKING TOGETHER IN GOD’S LOVE AND MAINTAINING POSITIVITY AND MOVING FORWARD, TOGETHER, IT IS AMAZING WHAT GOD HAS DONE IN A FEW SHORT […]
Moravian Revival Mission to Brus Laguna and Gracias a Dios
Praise the Lord! The Moravian Revival Churches under the World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches and United Alaska Moravian Ministry (UIMM) continue to move forward in furthering the Gospel of the Lamb of God who has Conquered and we Follow We move forward with joy and peace and purpose with a positive spirit of brotherhood […]
YouTube Videos on Christian Apologetics with Pastor Glenn Hermann
UIMM Pastors, especially, and everyone, please note that on this UIMM website, we have two Social Media Buttons. One is for Facebook and the other is for YouTube. The YouTube button is a colored red button on bottom of this HOMEPAGE. This brief message is to notify everyone that the author of Celestial Traveler, Pastor […]
Moravian Revival Church in Tegucigalpa
Statement from Bishop Isai Granwell from Tegucigalpa, Honduras February 18, 2024: “An Apostolic Disciple will always be willing to obey and assume the mandate that our Lord commanded us, with mission of Great Commission to serve for his KINGDOM.” In Tegucigalpa, Bishop Isai Granwell ministered to several pastors. Our thanks to the pastors and believers […]
Anger in Church?
God loves everyone, and Jesus died for all. Spiritual leaders have incredible responsibilities on their shoulders and certainly there is a time to be a steward of anger; in other words Righteous judgment and indignation. For example, Moses was a very humble man, but there was a time when he became very angry with God’s […]