Notice of 11th annual meeting for all UIMM Pastors and Church delegates, tomorrow, January 29, 2022, 1 pm. 624 West International Airport Rd, Suite 200, Anchorage, Alaska.   

After minutes of February 4, 2021 are read a number of annual reports will be heard on the floor.  These include:

Financial Report, UIMM President, International Missions Director (7 countries), New Herrnhut Report (Seward, Alaska), and Pastor’s Reports from UIMM Churches.

An amendment will be made to the Organizational Handbook dealing with elections.  4 Directors will be elected for 3 year terms.  2 Directors for 2 year terms, and 1 Director for a 1 year term.  Additional business deals with Church tithing, Mission Outreaches, How to raise money, as well as what to do with UIMM’s 15 acre retreat center at Pete’s Lake near Talkeetna, Alaska.  Pete’s Lake is 100 miles north of Anchorage.

Pastors and delegates, we look forward to seeing you, again!

Posted in United International Moravian Ministry.