United International Moravian Ministry Group is a legal Moravian heritage Church founded in Herrnhut, Germany in 2012 and incorporated in the State of Alaska.  It is also a non-profit 501C3 religious organization with the US Federal Government.  Our constitution reads as follows: Chapter Two, Section I Constitution Name and Title ¶2.1.0100 The name and title […]

UIMM Churches Must Be Organized

     The local churches, such as the Anchorage Moravian Church under United International Ministry, are not just fellowships or groups that worship together to have a good time. We are not a social club. More so than that I believe that we should remain organized as a biblical Church in order to fulfill our […]

3rd UIMM Pastor Tim Sergie Passes into Eternity

     A well known man of God (in eight nations), The Rev. Tim Sergie, Pastor of The House of Prayer Church and United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM) Vice-President of the Boards (and director who assisted in creation of the World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches), passed and went to be with His Savior, Jesus […]

Bishop Emmaus Mwamakula of Tanzania April 2023 Shares

UMOJA WA MAKANISA YA MORAVIAN YA UAMSHO DUNIANI NI TAASISI YA DUNIA! Wajumbe wa Mkutano Maalum wa Makanisa ya Moravian ya Uamsho, Kimesheni, na Kiinjili Duniani waliokutana Ruiru karibu na Nairobi, Kenya tarehe 23 – 24 Februari 2018 walipitisha Azimio la kuanzishwa kwa Umoja wa Makanisa ya Moravian ya Uamsho Duniani (The World Fellowship of […]

Moravians Can Do Better to Remain in Unity

Ezekiel 33:7 says, “Son of man, I have made you a watchman over the house of Israel.  When you hear a word from my mouth give them a warning from me. ” What does a watchman do in our world.  We know they checks windows, doors, and entrances to buildings to make certain they are […]