Christ Runs Our Church

BISHOP WILLIAM NICHOLSON COMMENTARY TODAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2020: WHO RUNS THE CHURCH? Jesus does in our Church. Christ said “I will build my Church”. My understanding of how the Anchorage Moravian Church services are conducted (and should be for all of our UIMM Churches and Fellowships) is that we are not a personality driven church. […]

When in Conflict Remain in Your Church

Conflict in the local Church Fellowship is not reason to leave your Church. Paul the Apostle addressed a lot of church conflict in his letters in the New Testament. I cannot find a place where Paul tells fellow believers to leave and to go to another Church where it will be more encouraging and less […]

Bishop Nicholson Dancing?

Bishop Nicholson Dancing?  Ho, Ho, Ho!  Amazing discipleship meeting at the AncMC Sunday night, December 16, 2018. A lot of people showed up from all over Alaska. The Spirit of God moved incredibly as folks shared testimony and song. Pastor Alexie Nose shared of his dream of revival happening in the four corners of the […]

Alaska Walking Up to Missions

ALASKA AWAKENING! Our relationship with Christ is everything. We have been restored back to God through Christ’s blood. Our authority, power and dominion is restored (Matthew 28:18-20). Christ has gone before us and given us the ability to overcome. An Awakening of fulfilling the Great Commission is happening. Folks, believers in Christ, we are no […]

An Example of End-time Deception in the Moravian Church

The Moravian Church in America, Southern Province held a synod in May 2018.  There they approved homosexual clergy to marry within it’s Church.  This is not generally known to the public, but this surprising but not unexpected action should be understood from the standpoint of God’s Word.  God’s Word is very clear.  And the Christian […]

Spiritual Warfare? Gossip in the Church

Spiritual Warfare? Many Christians in the Church do not believe in a personal devil who has declared war on Christians. Satan wants to weaken the church. In Ephesians 6 it speaks of active spiritual conflict which we as believers are involved in. The devil is the accuser of the brethren, so we must recognize in […]