UIMM Pastors Training Going Well

Two days of UIMM Training, April 12-13, 2024, on Old Testament going very well, thanks to Dr. Randall McElwain of Shepherd Global Classroom. Shown is a glimpse in our second day of Old Testament Training.  Especialy in the future due to high cost of travel, encouragements are there for all of our pastors in the […]


Since transporatation from the bush is too expensive, encouragements are given for UIMM Pastors and other Spiritual Leaders to gather together IN YOUR TOWNS AND VILLAGES. This way YOU pastors can view the Upcoming training (see below) by Dr. McElwain, which will be broadcast on Facebook site, United Ministry Group & Friends. Encouragements are there […]


Discipleship Revival/Singspiration at the Anchorage Moravian Church, April 12-14, 2024, 6 pm. Outstanding Special Speaker is Dr. Randall McElwan from Ohio. Brother Randall is lead instructor for Shephered Global Classroom. Location is 3512 Robin Street, Anchorage, Alaska. Healing Revival/Singspiration at the Anchorage Moravian Church for five nights with The Rt. Rev. Isai Granwell from Honduras, […]

UIMM Bible Training & Singspiration April 12-14, 2024

UNITED INTERNATIONAL MORAVIAN MINISTRY (UIMM) & Anchorage Moravian Church in a jointly sponsored event have scheduled NEXT WEEK, a Pastor’s Christ Centered Training in Old Testament Theology. Also in the evenings there will be Three Nights of Singspiration with Special Speaker, The Rev. Dr. Randall McElwain of Shepherd Global Classroom. Shepherd Global Classroom is a […]

Quinhagak Revival Coming!

UIMM Moravian Revival Church Pastor Frank James of Platinum, Alaska, opens first-ever Revival in Quinhagak, April 4-7, 2024, 6:30 pm, at the Qanirtuuq Incorporated Building which has space for upwards of 200 people. Pastor Frank James is a gifted singer and evangelist and pastor who travels widely throughout Alaska. Everyone welecomed! Reports have been that […]

Moravian Revival Mission to Brus Laguna and Gracias a Dios

Praise the Lord!  The Moravian Revival Churches under the World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches and United Alaska Moravian Ministry (UIMM)  continue to move forward in furthering the Gospel of the Lamb of God who has Conquered and we Follow   We move forward with joy and peace and purpose with a positive spirit of brotherhood […]

More Children Activity In Honduras

Bishop Isai Granwell’s Moravian Revival Church in La Ceiba, Honduras continues to feed many hungry children.  Pictures were taken last Sunday, February 4, 2024.  Bishop Isai, his wife Tagni, daughter Lydia, and Nicole are very actively involved.  Children love hearing bible stories, singing together. Bishop Isai makes it very clear that living in Honduras is […]

Anchorage Moravian Church Smartphone App

Most of us agree that we are living in the end days.  Someone said some powerfully and I agree – “The Lord is hastening His work, and it is no coincidence that powerful communication innovations and the inventions are occurring in the dispensation of the fulness of times”. Today technology such as the Smartphone has helped […]

3rd UIMM Pastor Tim Sergie Passes into Eternity

     A well known man of God (in eight nations), The Rev. Tim Sergie, Pastor of The House of Prayer Church and United International Moravian Ministry (UIMM) Vice-President of the Boards (and director who assisted in creation of the World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches), passed and went to be with His Savior, Jesus […]