January 11, 2025:
18 years have passed and those standing with God are still standing!
Those that stood with the world are gone.
Years story in a nutshell; the Holy Spirit moved with a spiritual feast in a certain church. So powerful it began a movement such as the August 13, 1727 spiritual birthday of the Moravian church.
A renewed church evolved, worldwide. William Nicholson. And growing today.
Many attempted to shut it down or diminish Gods power.
Just recently a second Spiritual Feast concluded at its original place.
As one Moravian pastor once said, if it’s of God it will keep going. If it’s not of God it will diminish.
Note: Brother Melvin, God bless you for sharing; what you shared appears to be true. First Manokotak in southwestern, Alaska, then Anchorage, then more Moravian Revival Churches and Fellowships in Alaska, then eventually in several States of America (Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Texax, and Florida. Currently the influence of the original Spiritual Feast is being felt in 8 Nations around the world.
This Moravian Revival still unfolding, quietly, and still being felt today! The Spiritual Feast and the Moravian Revival Churches are an end day Remnant Holy Ghost movement that does not criticize any of the worldwide Moravisn Churches, nor any Church for that matter. Our desire is to bring renewal and revival to all Churches and Fellowship, because like Zinzendorf esposed is that we are not denominations, but instead the Body of Christ, a Living Family of God. Our Lamb has conquered; let us follow Him!