UIMM Receives Samoan Church & Consecration

On Sunday moring, February 2, 2025, 11 am, at the Anchorage Moravian Church a new historic event is to happen!  This is the result of a new Church “New Beginning” joining the ranks of true end day Moravian Revival Churches under United International Moravian Ministry group (UIMM).  This was a decision granted by Bishop Isai Granwell and the Directors of UIMM in a special meeting held in Anchorage, Alaska on January 21, 2025.  New Beginnings is a Church made up of Samoan immigrants to the United States who live in the Wasilla, Alaska area.

Bishop William Nicholson, President of UIMM  by the authority granted by UIMM & World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches, will be consecrating a new pastor for New Beginnings Samoan Church of Wasilla, Alaska, the Pastor-elect Papali’l M. Asopaolo (Photo shown).

Bishops of UIMM & WFMRC please be in prayer for this special time.  We seek God’s blessing for growth for this Church!

Posted in Bishops Blog, United International Moravian Ministry, World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches.