On Sunday moring, February 2, 2025, 11 am, at the Anchorage Moravian Church a new historic event is to happen! This is the result of a new Church “New Beginning” joining the ranks of true end day Moravian Revival Churches under United International Moravian Ministry group (UIMM). This was a decision granted by Bishop Isai Granwell and the Directors of UIMM in a special meeting held in Anchorage, Alaska on January 21, 2025. New Beginnings is a Church made up of Samoan immigrants to the United States who live in the Wasilla, Alaska area.
Bishop William Nicholson, President of UIMM by the authority granted by UIMM & World Fellowship of Moravian Revival Churches, will be consecrating a new pastor for New Beginnings Samoan Church of Wasilla, Alaska, the Pastor-elect Papali’l M. Asopaolo (Photo shown).
Bishops of UIMM & WFMRC please be in prayer for this special time. We seek God’s blessing for growth for this Church!